Friday, December 27, 2013

Teachin n Learning--Opposite Sides of Same Coin

Teaching anything is tricky and requires a lot of Responsibility. A Student has a potential, and it's the Instructor's job to help bring this out. Too many teachers take all the credit for a student performing well, and too many students don't know when they've been taught right. Actually, a Great Teacher knows more about just setting up the right circumstances for Comfort Zone and Learning . . . and then getting out of the Student's Way; . . . and it might help if progressive students could recognize when they've been taught right, instead of just taking it for granted. Our current socio-economic systems are not conducive to recognizing this fundamental truth, hence most great teachers go totally unnoticed, which is unfortunate for any students to come. Oh, I might cry in my beer about not getting very far in Life, but at least I know I've done what I can (which is good for the soul in the  long run),---and a few Great Students will know as well, as Teaching and Learning are opposite sides of the same coin.

1 comment:

  1. In other words, it takes a Great Student to recognize a Great Teacher. Anyone mediocre is doomed to mediocrity, and that's sad. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this how our Politicians work?--cater to the mediocre, and you'll do fine, fit in quite well. ...Ultimately, the Students are the Teachers, but the Powers-That-Be don't want you to know that---I'm not a Messiah, and neither is Jesus, we're on our own.
